Mia EdkinsSep 20, 20191 min readCHRISTCHURCH ECONOMY SLOWING DOWNAccording to news source RNZ, Christchurch's economy is falling well below New Zealand's national averages, due to the rebuilds going on...
Sam ParkSep 19, 20192 min readTOROA PLANTS 600 TREES DOWN THE ROADOn the 17th September, Toroa class got on a bus, went down the street, sat on the prickly grass, and learnt how to plant trees. Once we...
Rico KempSep 19, 20191 min readIS THE APPLE WATCH AS GOOD AS PEOPLE SAY IT IS?I love the always-on screen on the Series 5. Apple’s update is better than other smartwatches and I use it for two reasons, One: It...
Jessica KinsmanSep 19, 20191 min readIS THE IPHONE 11 REALLY AS GREAT AS WE THINK IT IS?Have you heard of the newest iPhone, the iPhone 11? Better than ever with three cameras! But is it as great as we think it is? Today I...
Rico KempSep 19, 20191 min readOld Vs New TeachersTeachers are getting nicer by the year. Just think back in the 1950's and 60's you used to get smacked with a ruler just for talking a...
Jessica KinsmanSep 17, 20191 min readMARSHLAND'S GOT TALENT!For the last two weeks, we have been doing a talent show throughout our school. There were many acts and amazing talents, but only three...
Sam ParkSep 17, 20191 min readDisco TimeOn Friday 20th. It will be time for the disco for Marshland School. It will have food, drinks, candy/lollies and glow sticks. Make sure...
Jessica KinsmanSep 13, 20191 min readWHEN IN DOUBT, DON'T THROW IT OUT!Have you walked past a piece of rubbish and not picked it up? Most people will say yes I will have to admit, even I have done it before,...
Sam ParkSep 11, 20191 min readNAUGHTY KIDS GET PUNISHED FOR BEING NAUGHTYIn the Toroa hub we have been trapped inside because of the many wet days, during the wet days there has been an outbreak of kids dying...
Bella PentecostSep 6, 20191 min readNASA VISITS PUKEKO HUB! Today was a special day. We decided to go down to the Pukeko hub and interview the little astronomers and the space teachers. The...