On the 17th September, Toroa class got on a bus, went down the street, sat on the prickly grass, and learnt how to plant trees.
Once we got started we didn't stop (except for the kids being annoying and not helping at). Overall we had planted over 10 trees each and it was kind of FUN!
If you want to plant your own trees than follow these steps (and buy the equipment).

Mulch (and lots of it if your planting more than one tree)
Gloves (this is optional but this can get messy)
Those big egg holders (make sure to cut it halfway)
Also a place where to plant the trees and that your allowed so the cops don't put you in jail.

After you have all of your equipment, got your place of planting trees, make a square in the ground, make it deep enough to plant your tree, after that you make a line in front of your square, dig it in the ground and tilt your shovel and lift.

Take the tree out of it's sustaining pot and put it in the ground, crumble up all the minecraft blocks into cheddar dirt and fill the hole up.
You have to crumble it up or it’ll have air pockets and that'll kill the tree, after you plant the tree put that egg holder around it and make sure that you cut only halfway not fully and slide the trunk intot he slit, then get your bucket of mulch and spread it around the tree but not that the tree is ¼ covered in mulch, that’ll make the tree rot and die.
You want the tree to be 1/3 covered, so it can breathe and become big and strong.
Ok that's the end bye.