Do you know how to be a vsco girl? Well, here today I will teach YOU how to be a vsco girl.
Ok let's start off what you should wear:
- Wear oversized t-shirts
- Wear black bike shorts underneath your oversized t-shirts
- Wear denim mom jeans
- Wear crop tops that are yellow, pink, purple & pastel colours
- Wear vans
- Wear scuffs of crocs
Now what are the type of accessories that you will need:
- Puka shell necklace
- LOT’S of scrunchies
- Hydro flask
- Lipbalm or lip gloss
- Pearl earrings
- Acrylic nails
- Rings
- Friendship Bracelets
- Polaroid camera
What hairstyles should you have:
- Big messy buns
- Low ponytail
- Hair out
- High ponytail
And last but not least to finish off your vsco look you need to say AND I OOP OOP SKSKSKSKSK.